小琉球/4K 美麗海底世界/Xiao Liuqiu Beautiful Underwater World

影片拍攝於2022年4月初,在衫福港外面沙地上有一個摩艾石像, 作為一個拍攝的地標.在海島的另一邊,有個茂密的小丑魚島,是個很熱鬧的拍攝景點.
水中相機:Sony A7S3 + Nauticam Housing
水中燈光: Orcatroch D950V 兩盞
水中濾鏡: STC Aqua Rose 

Filming of the film In early April of 2022, there was a shot of the Moi statue on the sand outside Shanfu Fishing Harbor as a landmark. On the other side of the island, lush clownfish island is a very lively fish shooting attraction.
Camera :Sony A7S3
Lighting : Orcatroch D950V x2
Filter: STC Aqua Rose

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