4K Underwater Green Island Taiwan Diving/綠島/美麗海底世界

4K Underwater Green Island Taiwan Diving/綠島/美麗海底世界
使用器材:Sony A7S3,Tamron 17-28, Tamron 28-75, Sony 90 macro,
燈光: Orcatorch D950V, D910V.
配件: STC Aqua Rose潛水濾鏡, subsee+10.

In this video, we'll be diving in Taiwan's beautiful 4K underwater world!

If you're interested in diving, then you'll definitely want to check out this video. We'll be diving on an amazing green island in Taiwan and exploring its stunning underwater world in 4K resolution! Not only is this a great diving experience, but it's also an amazing way to spend a day in Taiwan!

This 4K video was filmed in Taiwan's green island waters, chicken reef, Independent reef , Iron and Steel reef , Shilang, Zhongbi port and other dive sites.
Camera Lens used: Sony A7S3, Tamron 17-28, Tamron 28-75, Sony 90 macro.
Lighting: Orcatorch D950V, D910V.
Accessories: STC Aqua Rose diving filter, subsee+10.

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#4K #Underwater HD #Taiwan
