Olympus TG6 4K Underwater Blue Dream 海底影片

  1. Olympus TG6

前陣子剛上市的Olympus TG6, 錄影功能擁有4K的品質,影片在水質透明的綠島, 光線充足之下,加上STC Aqua Rose 濾鏡, 真的是絕配, 拍攝出來的素材, 不需要太多後製處理,就擁有不錯的色彩.


使用一個朋友提供的舊款Epoque DCL20,加上一個52轉67的轉接環,就可以使用.在拍攝沉船的時候會有更大廣角的畫面, 搭配上Orcatorch D950V 兩盞1萬流明高亮度的攝影燈, 在白天也可以補足很多需要的光源.

我們也嘗試了 Snoot,色光的拍攝方式,也得到一些不錯的畫面. 希望大家喜歡.

The Olympus TG6, which was just launched a while ago, has a 4K quality video recording function.This film is provided by Olympus TW with underwater camera and housing.

In the crystal water green island, with enough of sunlight, plus STC Aqua Rose filter, It's really a perfect match,the footage from TG6, does not require much post-processing,then get pretty good result.

Use a friend's old Epoque DCL20, with a 52-to-67 adapter ring, When shooting a shipwreck, there will get a larger wide-angle frame , with two Orcatorch D950V 10,000 lumens high brightness video lightings, can also complement many of the required light sources even in the daytime.

We also tried Snoot,Underwater Luminance, and got some nice images.

I hope everyone likes it.



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