Raja Ampat 四王群島海底世界系列-EP-2 自然光療癒影像
第二集影片,把四王群島 underwater 一些自然光拍攝的畫面收集, 在南四王群島的潛點Whale Rock,有很多自然光之下的美麗影像,不需用打燈,在適當的時間,光影穿透水面,和魚群自然悠遊的療癒畫面.
我使用了STC Aqua Rose可調式濾鏡,對於這種自然光的拍攝畫面, 沒有這一片紅色濾鏡是拍不出來的.強烈建議值得擁有.
Arborek Jetty,自然光穿透水面,形成一束一束的光影,在很淺的木棧道碼頭之下,也擁有很美的軟珊瑚,和自然光美景.
Raja Ampat Movie Series-EP-2 Ambient Light Healing Image
In the second episode of the video, We collect most of ambient light shots in Raja Ampat Islands . At the diving site Whale Rock in the Southern Raja Ampat, there are many beautiful images underwater with natural light. These are no need to use any artificial lighting. At the perfect moment, light beams penetrate through the water surface, and the healing picture of the fish swimming naturally.
I used the STC Aqua Rose underwater filter. For this kind of natural light shooting, it would not be possible to shoot without this filter. It is highly recommended to have it.
Arborek Jetty, natural sun beams penetrates the water surface, forming bunches of light and shadow.Under the very shallow pier jetty , there are also beautiful soft corals and natural beauty scene.
There will be more Raja Ampat movies in different scenarios, so stay tuned for episode 3~
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