Sony A7SIII Underwater Taiwan/Samla Bicolor Nudibranch/二色扇鰓海蛞蝓
這是一隻在台灣海域常見的海蛞蝓, 微小而且黃白相間, 移動速度很快,我們用微距鏡拍下它美麗的身影, 配上一首鋼琴,有情緒的節奏...1分多鐘的音樂.慢慢欣賞
This is a nudibranch that is common in the waters of Taiwan. It is small and yellow and white. It moves very fast. We used a macro lens to capture its beautiful figure, accompanied by a piano, and an emotional rhythm...1 more minutes of music. Enjoy it slowly~
Camera:Sony A7SIII+ FE 90mm F2.8 G Macro OSS
#Leodv #曹杰 #里奧影像
#里奧影像 Leodv #STC_Aqua_Rose #OlympusTW #TG6 #orcatorchD570_GL #orcatorchD950V #orcatorchD900V #orcatorchD530v+Snoot #orcatorchD910V