Trumpet Sea Urchin/喇叭毒棘海膽/Sony A7SIII Underwater Macro World Taiwan

Trumpet Sea Urchin/喇叭毒棘海膽/Sony A7SIII Underwater Macro World Taiwan

這支影片拍攝於台灣東北角海域,喇叭毒棘海膽是在台灣海域常見的一種海膽, 和其他的海膽一般都是全身充滿的尖刺,喇叭毒棘海膽身上有類似不同的觸手,看似非常奇特,而且會在海底慢慢爬行移動..

This movie was shot in the northeastern corner of Taiwan. Trumpet sea urchin is a common type of sea urchin in Taiwan. Like other sea urchins, the whole body is usually spiked. Trumpet sea urchin has similar and different tentacles, which are very peculiar. , And will slowly crawl and move on the bottom of the sea.

Camera:Sony A7SIII+ FE 90mm F2.8 G Macro OSS

 #Leodv  #曹杰  #里奧影像




#里奧影像 Leodv    #STC_Aqua_Rose  #OlympusTW   #TG6 #orcatorchD570_GL   #orcatorchD950V   #orcatorchD900V   #orcatorchD530v+Snoot   #orcatorchD910V

#A7SIII   #SEL90M28G   #Nauticam
